Build A Hay Feeder For Under $35

Farming Wit Court
1 min readNov 15, 2022

Learn how I turned a simple trashcan into a highly functional hay feeder for your goats! Very inexpensive design that will save your goats from getting internal parasites and save you hundreds in hay wastage. By drilling several holes in the top, and attaching a piece of scrap tan laying around the farm made our roof. Cutting a whole out and the front of the trash can and using two circular wire racks for the sides made perfect storage for the hay. The wire racks were comprised of smaller field fencing laying around the farm. I recommend smaller wire (not chicken wire) this will keep the goats from pulling large globs of hay out at one time as they eat. The trashcan will need weight in the bottom or by the end of the day your goats will be using your new hay feeder as a jungle gym. Check out the video below for more details. If you have any questions feel free to message me and I will be happy to send over some plans.



Farming Wit Court

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