Things To Consider Before Quitting And Chasing Your Dreams

Farming Wit Court
6 min readAug 29, 2022

I’m guessing you’ve had enough of the rat race, your boss is an asshole, and you’re ready to try something new in your life. That’s absolutely normal, don’t allow your hating ass friends and family to try to talk you out of it or give you advice on “if I were you I would do this or do that”. If you’ve made up your mind to do something, then do it! Our goal is not to be left with regret at the end of this life, so if this speaks out to you here are a few things to consider before quitting your job.

Start Your Business Before Leaving

Before you tell your boss to suck it! It would be wise to go ahead and start a business before taking that leap. Having a proven business model that is bringing in some type of revenue will make the transition process go a lot smoother. You need to have an honest conversation with yourself, what are you good at? What do you enjoy? What product or service could you offer that would not only make you bank, but you would enjoy doing? After you’ve answered those questions find someone in person or online who has already blazed the trail and do EXACTLY what they did in their business model to the letter. You may need to tweak a few things to better fit your personality or your market.

There’s no timetable to do this effectively. Only you know your work ethic and speed to get shit accomplished so plan your departure around that. If it’s going to take you 6 months to build a business then take 6 months. If it’s going to take you three years then do that, but don’t quit your day job to follow your dreams then three months later you have to find another job in order to pay the mortgage. That’s just unnecessary stress none of us need. After you pull the trigger to do what you love, you can’t look back it has to be all in! You can’t be half pregnant or you’ll never make it.

Replacing Current Income

Like I said above we’re being smart by this. We’re not just leaving our job just because we feel like it. We are first replacing our current income with our business before taking the leap to quit our boring ass job. If you are a single man in your 20’s gone ahead and skip down to the next section, but if you have a family this is very important. You have to identify family needs, and how quitting your income will affect your family.

What’s your annual income? Is it $30,000 or $250,000?

Next how much of that income pays for family and children activities? Going to the movies, traveling, and dining out.

If this is what you truly want then this has to be sacrificed in the beginning, maybe your kids can’t get the new game system this year, or your wife can’t get her nails down as often, or you guys can’t take that annual beach trip with the Carmichaels this year. There has to be sacrifice and YOU have to HAVE a wife and family who will trust the process with you or you’re destined to fail!

Next how much money do you spend on essentials such as groceries, the mortgage, monthly family expenses, household utilities, gas, car payments, etc? Again being a single man these expenses are cheaper and it’s only you to worry about, a family man has his entire family to take into account before he can take his leap of faith. So figure out what is the bare minimum of money you need to be stashed away? How much money does your new business need to make in order to cover these expenses so you and your family can live a comfortable life?


If you were to quit your job today would you and/or your family be able to get by until this dream business takes off and starts contributing to your bank account? Chances are for most that answer is a negative. So it’s highly important to sit down and make a budget, identifying what’s the bare minimum you can spend per month and what you would need to earn from your business to help with the groceries and other essentials until the business takes off. It’s SO important to realize it’s all about sacrifices in the beginning.

When I first broke out of the rat race I only spent 300 dollars per month. Some months I had to spend a little more. Things are going to come up in life but again it sacrifices and how badly do you want it?! I went without a cell phone, Amazon Prime, Cable, Couldn’t eat out as much, stopped smoking cigarettes, and drinking at the bar, and couldn’t play golf on the weekends with the boys anymore. See those were all sacrifices I made so my $300 monthly budget would work.

It sucks when you’re in it, but you know that time period made me a stronger man. I learned that I didn’t need all the extras to make me happy. Come up with a strong budget maybe not $300 that’s a bit extreme for most people, with that budget you’re not having any “fun” but the thing I feel people miss with “fun” is I would much rather budget like crazy in my early 20’s building a company that will pay me six figures a year then spend my 20’s out drinking and partying. Just think if you punted “fun” for two years and said for the next two years I will work my ass off.

Sure, I will attend my best friend’s wedding, and I may catch a cocktail night every blue moon, but on the weekends when everyone my age is out turning up I’m working my ass off! Well if you actually worked and not spent those two years pretending to work you will have financial freedom! Your peer group who spent the last two years partying doesn’t have financial freedom. So while they are stuck working a job that they hate later in life, but must go to because they chose other means to spend their free time. You have built a solid business where you can afford the luxury that you deserve now. I’m not “anti-fun” but I do think it’s important to put things into perspective. Life is soooo short, but on the same token, it’s a long game. So not going out for two years in your early 20’s will free up time for the rest of your life compared to the latter.

Do it

It’s time to implement these strategies. You’ve set on the bench long enough it’s time to do work! When you quit your job, make sure that the side hustle will keep you afloat. The hardest part about building a business is the beginning phase. After the first year my business began to generate more traction I focused all my efforts on getting more clients and deals done. Then boom!! I woke up one day and realize all the hard work, sleepless nights, and people telling me I couldn’t do it that I finally arrived. It’s a tough lonely road, so many people give up too early because of that. It’s easy to work a job that you hate… There’s a lot of people out there who’ve settled with the wrong partner, a shitty job, a rat-infested apartment because they were too afraid to go for it all. All I know is when that final bell sounds and the good Lord calls me up I don’t wanna be left with any what if’s.

Good luck please feel free to message me with your walk away from stories. If you need more advice on how to make the transition more effectively hit your boy up!!! I love talking to all of you, God Bless.



Farming Wit Court

Whenever I have a problem, I sing. Then I realize my voice is worse than my problems… If you enjoyed the blog consider following!